General terms and conditions of the BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH
I. General
BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH is a company, which specializes in the sale of special chemicals and materials for high tech applications.
In addition, BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH provides technical support for the solutions of problems and product modifications or new developments.
II. Conditions
Content of contract of mediation order
When contracting BT, the customer ordered the delivery of specific bespoke products for optimized conditions.
The contracting party is bound to this condition after receiving a written or verbal confirmation of the acceptance of the order by BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH.
The confirmation can also be received by either email or fax. The contractor is obliged to check immediately the accuracy of the order confirmation and to indicate any possible inconsistencies.
The contractual obligations of BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH are limited to adequate or requested products and the correct delivery of such. The defect-free delivery is not part of the contractual obligations. BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH cannot be hold responsible or guarantee for the faultless conditions of the goods.
Payment & Delivery
The payment of the ordered goods is subject to the respective suppliers and has to be made immediately after delivery. Until the payment has been received, the products remain in the ownership of BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH or the respective supplier.
Limitations of liability
The individual specifications to the products BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH depend on the information given to BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH by the supplier. BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH is unable to verify this information for accuracy. Therefore, BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH cannot make any representations or warranties in regards to the sufficiency, accuracy or correctness of this information.
In addition, BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH is not liable for availability of goods.
In the course of their activities BT shall be liable for any damages, independent from any legal ground, only in the following cases:
- Liability according to the legal regulations for warranted characteristics and culpable negligence or intention
- The liability is excluded for slight negligence on on the part of the GmbH or the agents as far as no fundamental obligations are violated.
Rules in English
BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH provides, among others, transactions, which may come directly from international suppliers. In case of international transactions regulations in the English language might be included, which might also affect the nature and extent of the offered performance. You hereby accept the information given in the English language as well.
III. General terms and conditions
The general terms and conditions as well the contractual obligations between you and the BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH apply to the legislations of the Federal Republic of Germany.
BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH office is place of jurisdiction.
If one of these terms and conditions was ineffective, the validity of the other terms and conditions will not be affected.
Changes and additions to the contract require a written confirmation by BOETTCHER TRADE GmbH in order to become effective.